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- イチョウの公園
Gingko trees in the park

It’s my day off, so I get up late.I walk around town and stop to have some brunch.I eat at my regular café and plan the rest of my day.

お腹も気分も満たされて満足。散歩を再開すると、いつもの公園のイチョウがきれいに色づいている。 ベンチに腰掛けて編み物を。時折イチョウの葉がひらひらと舞い落ちて、作品も黄色に染まったよう。
My stomach is full and I feel great.I continue my stroll and notice the ginkgo trees in the park.They’ve turned a beautiful yellow, inviting me to sit on a bench and knit.Every now and then a ginkgo leaf flutters by, turning my creation a shade of yellow.

I take a little break and open my book to where I left off.A warm light shines through a break in the clouds.The light shines onto the page and fades away again.I read a chapter and then pick up my knitting as I ponder the feelings of the main character. Before I know it, evening has come.

I’m home now, sitting on the sofa in my usual place.I’ve spent the full day working on my creation.I think it helped to put my feelings in order.All new and refreshed, I’m ready for a brand new day.